Monday, June 23, 2008

Mega Dhara (lentil dinner)

6 c. water
1 1/3 c. lentils
1 c. brown rice
3 Tbsp. olive oil
3 Tbsp. onion powder
3 Tbsp. soy sauce
2 Tbsp. beef bullion

Combine all ingredients into a crock-pot at lunchtime. It will be done in time for dinner. Cook on high. (May need to add water mid-afternoon and/or near the end, depending on how thick or thin you want it.)

You're also supposed to be able to cook it on a low boil on the stove, for about an hour, but I don't like it as much this way.

(It sounds weird, and it's kinda ugly looking, but it's soooo tasty. The best way I know how to describe it is like a Rice-A-Roni type flavor. It was originally a lentil topping for brown rice, but my sister Becky combined it with the rice because she thought it tasted better, and it makes it a one dish recipe. Both Tom, Joni, and Jackson gobble this up, which says a lot.)

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